Job Seeker Help Center

How do I use Job X-ray™ to optimize my resume? [Video]

Our Job X-ray tool is designed to help job seekers optimize their resumes and land more interviews. With our iScore Resume Match technology, Job X-ray compares your resume to a specific job posting and highlights which keywords are matching and missing within the ad.

To use Job X-ray, click on any job posting while signed into your account. Above the job description, you can toggle this feature on and off. When toggled on, Job X-ray will highlight your matching skills in green and missing skills in red throughout the job posting. If you have multiple resumes uploaded to your account, be sure to select the resume you want to optimize from the drop-down menu.

By visualizing where your resume lines up and where it falls short, you can easily adjust it to include the required skills, qualifications, and credentials before applying for a job. This can increase your chances of making it past employers’ applicant tracking systems (ATS) that automatically filter out resumes that do not have the right keywords.

Premium members have unlimited access to Job X-ray while Basic members can test drive the feature with one job ad.

Learn more about Job X-ray with this short video:

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